Pic from incek google
Last night me, Incek ary and our friend went to Cheng Ho Restoran @ Wangsa Maju for dinner..Ala yg Amy search punya restoran tu.korang tau kan? it was my first time there..I like decoration of the restaurant it was cool and cosy with red colour inside the restaurant. Feels like my home.(yelah rumah aku pon cat kaler merah and mostly furniture pon in red).Tak sangka pulak citarasa aku dgn Amy sama..feewwiiittt...(ala-ala Amy search punya trademark). The foods there are good and delicious but the price is lil bit pricey..Eventhough mahal, kalau makanan sedap..why not? But somehow UNEXPECTED incident happened. Amy should trained his worker how to handle situation like THAT and about customer service thingy. Bayangkan, nasi korang semua da abis, then after like 45 minutes of waiting tetiba siakap yg korang order tu baru sampai..Now tell me, in this situation should we as a customer keep smilling and eat the fish like nothing happen?of course not! coz we asked 4 of his worker regarding the fish..the act of negligence from his worker make us lose our patient..Empat org waiter tau yg kitorg tanya bukan sorang..semua kata sekejap but end up, tak de jawapan..making us keep waiting.. Lastly we finish all of our food, then when fish arrive, my friend told the waiter that we don't want the fish just calculate what we eat minus the fish.The waiter said he asked the Manager first bout this. kitorg pon okay, call ur manager now!The Manager was so calm and friendly handle this situation, he said nevermind we give u the fish for FREE. and Keep apologize on behalf of his staff. At first we like malu2 kucing nak ambil siakap tu, Incek Ary siap ckp takpelah u bg jelah ikan tu kat customer lain.tp dah manager tu insist nak tapau kan kitorg pon ambik jelah..Rezeki jgn di tolak, musuh jgn dicari .ye tak? After paid the bill, the Manager was so kind to open the door for us, and patted Incek Ary's back and keep saying sorry to us.Well, it soothed our mood after that..klu takde manager tu, i think it was our first and last trip there.

This is Chicken kong po, cooked with konp po sauce and cashewnut..yummeehhh..really love it so much..we ordered set menu 1 which including chinese tea, 4 dishes and rice for 3 persons.This is the cheaper set.RM69.90 only..

This is chinese style tomyam different from Thai Tomyam.it taste really good!

Mix vegetable cooked with prawn..hmmmmm delicious..

Okay introducing our Free siakap 3 rasa, yang ni mmg sgt2 sedap..sos dia pergghhh..sedap giler..Pendek kata mmg tak rugi klu u all mkn kat situ..harga pon kira berpatutan dgn rasa yg sedap ni.

They minus 30% for the price of siakap i think..So total we have to pay only rm 55.28, i think i will bring my parents to eat here..but of course hoping that the incident won't happen again..

p/s: Maaf diatas penggunaan bahasa rojak diatas..Aku kalau nk marah suka tulis bahasa rojak..

16 ulasan:
sini la nak bawak aku makan nanti eh???
ala maafkan la mereka..biasalah manusia buat silap.
at least dorang akui kesalahan kan
huiyoo dapat siakap free, nasib manager tu bagus kan. i pnah maka nsini, service dia mmg slow skit la, tapi foodwise sadappp ok. i loiikeee.
huiissh...saya paling pantang kalo order dtg lambat...geram woo..dr lapar bleh trus kenyang..heheh
nampak semua sedappp.
tgk pd lauk mcm sedap. tp bile tgk ur review sal worker cm2 terbantut lak nk g rase.. bab2 menunggu ne yg xleh blah.. mmg skt jiwa.. mood nk mkn pun blh hilang klau cmne..kehkehkeh
tak pernah pi lagi sini tp mmg bnyk bad comments..at least depa apologise kira oklaaa tu
tak pernah pi lagi sini tp mmg bnyk bad comments..at least depa apologise kira oklaaa tu
wahhh...mcm besh jew...seb bek manager die baguskn...susah kalau tmpat da okay...tp pekerja bg service k.o...huhuh...
bile lissa nak ajak adah makan kat sana??
agaknye....nk msk sedap sgt kot tu jd lambat...ehehe...pape pun amy kena take reaction la.nnti ble buat jatuh air muke dia...anyway thanks sbb sudi sggh blog ratu.. :)
wahhh dekat tu ngan kita.... sekentut jer... hehehe
makcik tertarik ngan tomyam memang peberet tu.kenapa lambat cam tu sekali, eee bengang je nasi dah habis baru lauk samapai.murah plak reganya.
mujurlah manager bijak bertindak..betol tu, dah org bagi, belasah aje..hehehe
da several time jgk mkn kt cni.. tpi xpnh ade pape problm lgi.. lucky je kot.. hopefully xmo la jdi sbb ske la mkn kat ctu..
suka makananb cina. tapi takdela dekat2 sini yang halal punya. huhu
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